BIOFACH & VIVANESS, a trade fair and conference specializing in organic foods and natural cosmetics, is held in February every year. In order to meet the repeated requests of exhibitors who have already completed the exhibition application and maximize the planning and safety of all exhibitors, BIOFACH and VIVANESS will be held from Thursday, July 26th to Saturday 29th this year.
The progress and spread of the global corona pandemic has aroused anxiety about future uncertainties among BIOFACH and VIVANESS exhibitors.
Daniela Brunner, Executive Director of BIO FACH & VIVANESS at NürnbergMesse, said: “Thanks to the security plan, the many constructive discussions with industry representatives who were the key drivers of the above decision, and the active efforts of all parties to BIOFACH and VIVANESS. We look forward to reuniting with the international organic and natural cosmetics B2B community at the BIOFACH & VIVANESS Summer Edition in Nuremberg, July 26-29, 2022! ”

Messegeschehen allgemein
BIOFACH & VIVANESS 2022: Many highlights at the venue and digitally
BIOFACH & VIVANESS 2022 will be held at the NürnbergMesse venue from July 26th to 29th, 2022, with the addition of digital. Exhibitors, visitors and media representatives can experience innovations and trends, build personal networks and participate directly in international conferences, as well as a comprehensive understanding of products and services at the venue.
Industry insiders also get information online from exhibitor digital representations. Use communication and booking scheduling tools to network beyond face-to-face trade fairs and experience parts of your meetings digitally.
The highlight of 2022 is, for example, the BIOFACH International Assembly under the main topic Organic Climate Resilience, jointly organized by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements) and BÖLW (Germany Organic Food Industry Federation). Now let’s look at the social and political challenges of how “organic” makes food production more resilient and climate-friendly.
All BIOFACH & VIVANESS participants look forward to discovering a variety of trends, innovations, awards, and exciting products. Also, the unpackaged sections are new. It takes into account the increasing importance of packaging.
The Safe BIOFACH & VIVANESS 2022 exhibition hall
The basis of the BIOFACH & VIVANESS hygiene concept is in line with the currently effective Infection Control Ordinance and the general hygiene concept of trade fairs and exhibitions in Bavaria. The venue hygiene concept has already been proven, successfully implemented and accepted at all events held at the NürnbergMesse exhibition venue since September 2021.
Of course, BIOFACH & VIVANESS will be conducted in accordance with the hygiene and protective measures implemented at the time of the event. Frameworks have been created to make networking and business comfortable, with concepts that adapt in a hurry according to pandemic situations and legal requirements. All details and regulations that apply to both exhibitors and visitors are always accessible at
For more information:
Click here for the Permanent Mission of Japan to Nuremberg Messe: